Occupational health and safety legislation across Canada requires employers to identify any existing or foreseeable hazards that might arise in the workplace, and to conduct an assessment of these various workplace hazards that employees might be exposed to, or that may arise from the nature of the workplace, and the type and conditions of the work...
Are you required to have a pay equity plan?
One purpose of Pay Equity is to redress differences in compensation due to systemic gender discrimination suffered by persons who occupy positions in predominantly female job categories. Only the provinces of Quebec and Ontario have pay equity legislation that covers the private sector. The Pay Equity Act in each province requires employers with 10 or more employees to provide equal pay for work of equal value.
Who's looking at your garbage, and why should you care?
You know what happens when you dump your garbage in the bin, right? The garbage collectors pick it up and take it away, and you don't worry about it any more. But should you worry about it? A 2009 Supreme Court of Canada decision suggests you might want to.