What about hosting a vaccination clinic in the workplace?
Employers have important questions about safely reopening their workplaces and bringing employees back. Vaccination of your workforce is an important piece of the answer.
But what does the law say?
Find out at the 22nd Annual Ontario Employment Law Conference on June 17, 2021, brought to you by First Reference Inc. and Stringer LLP Management Lawyers.
When you register, we will send you an expert-prepared vaccination policy template that you can use now. Plus, you can ask your vaccine-related questions directly to Stringer’s lawyers.
Click here to learn more and register today
When you attend you will get:
- A full day of expert guidance and answers on HR compliance during and after the pandemic
- The vaccination policy template and commentary free
- Video recordings and slide decks for all sessions to share with colleagues
- $35 food voucher to enjoy the day of the conference
- Access from anywhere in Ontario—or wherever you are!
Join the virtual conference to make sure you are ready to meet the challenges associated with these key topics:
- COVID-19 and Health and Safety – Protecting employees, work refusals, testing and vaccinations
- When the Pandemic Finally Ends – Working from home, constructive dismissal and reducing termination costs
- Mental Health Fallout of the Pandemic – Duty to accommodate mental health conditions and obtaining medical information from employees
- Termination Clauses Post-Waksdale – Learn the implications for contracts with “just-cause” termination clauses
- Good Faith Performance of Employment Contracts – Understand the implications on contracts for employers
- Post-Termination Bonus Entitlements – Important tips for drafting contracts to minimize the risk of paying post-termination bonus amounts
- Workers’ Compensation Changes and COVID-19 Relief – Review of the WSIB’s handling of claims related to COVID-19 and the WSIB’s policies
You’ll also get the opportunity to ask your questions directly!
Pass it on to a colleague!
Remember—the vaccine policy is included and lunch is on us!