Join us on June 17, 2021, for the 22nd annual Ontario Employment Law Conference, hosted by First Reference and Stringer LLP. With all the challenges you’ve faced and the changes to HR compliance over the last year—and more to come—this year’s virtual conference should not be missed. Scan the agenda below to learn why it’s essential to Learn the Latest®.
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has made many organizations feel like they are stumbling in the dark with all the lockdowns, changes to employment law, modified health and safety requirements and general uncertainty. But finally, with vaccinations increasing, there’s light at the end of the tunnel!
However, even on the most optimistic timelines, we can expect the workplace challenges and evolving legal requirements to continue through 2021 and into 2022. So, as we enter this next phase, the time is coming to assess how the pandemic has affected your workplace and HR law compliance—and what the following months will look like.
For the 22nd year, First Reference has partnered with the employment law professionals at Stringer LLP for the Ontario Employment Law Conference to bring you the information you need to understand the ongoing changes to employment legislation and how to apply them to your workplace.
This year, we’re going virtual again! Join us on June 17 to Learn the Latest about these essential topics for 2021 and beyond:
- Termination Clauses Post-Waksdale – Learn the implications for contracts with “just-cause” termination clauses
- Good Faith Performance of Employment Contracts – Understand the implications on contracts for employers
- Post-Termination Bonus Entitlements – Important tips for drafting contracts to minimize the risk of paying post-termination bonus amounts
- When the Pandemic Finally Ends – Working from home, constructive dismissal and reducing termination costs
- COVID-19 and Health and Safety – Protecting employees, work refusals, vaccination and mandatory testing
- Mental Health Fallout of the Pandemic – Duty to accommodate mental health conditions, obtaining medical information from employees
- Workers’ Compensation Changes and COVID-19 Relief – We’ll review the WSIB’s handling of claims related to COVID-19 and the WSIB’s policies
Join First Reference and Stringer LLP’s team of employment law experts for a full day of informative presentations with question and answer sessions. You can attend from anywhere!
Plus, everyone who attends gets:
- A $35 voucher for food delivery,
- Exclusive conference materials, and
- Video recordings of all sessions!